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Temporary workers can often be seen as an unnecessary expense, both financially in terms of time. Why take on someone, to teach them how to do the role and successfully integrate them into the team with minimal disruption, for them to leave when the project is completed or the workload has lessened? In reality, a temp could be an excellent short-term addition to your team with high worth. Here are a few reasons why.

A happier workforce

Often when there is a gap to fill in workloads, there are two options: get someone in or use current staff and stretch their time, skills and patience to fill the void. Needless to say, employing a temporary team member will keep stress levels to a minimum and ensure work is done properly and well. Those short on time and loyalty are more likely to produce work of the minimum quality, by employing a temp to help carry the weight of busy periods you show your staff you care about their contribution and wellbeing.

A fresh look

Temporary workers have worked across a variety of business setups and sectors. They have a rare knowledge on a variety of processes and operations and as such can offer real insight and value to your departments, helping to improve ways of working, for both the firm and the staff. They can help implement new processes, improving work output and staff morale.

A potential full-time hire

Temporary workers can often lead to valuable, permanent members of the team if the fit is right. Bringing a temp in on a “working interview” is an ideal way to see work quality, team fit and firm suitability before offering a contract. A paralegal on a temp contract could be the perfect applicant for your training contract. It’s an effective way to get to know a potential team member.

A cost-effective way of working

It is understandable that you may scoff at the idea of a temp actually saving you costs, but they do. The ability to have extra hands on deck when needed, without increasing your firm’s overheads in the long run and the flexibility to bring on already-trained, knowledgeable professionals means you will save on training, HR and long-term payroll expenses.

If you’re struggling to find a permanent member of staff for a particular team, or your team is struggling with a seasonal increase in cases, then temporary support could be a solution worth exploring. Speak to our team today to find out how locum and temporary staff can help your firm.

LR Legal is a bespoke recruitment agency, offering a comprehensive service for law firms and businesses, across all sectors. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.

Alison Banks
Tel: 0208 464 2503
Email: alison@lrlegal.co.uk
Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment