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My day begins at...

6 am when my alarm starts, but it’s usually after 2 snoozes I tend to get up. Even though she’s 17, I make my daughter her breakfast and deliver to her in bed so I know she is awake and hasn’t overslept! After getting myself ready, I set off on a 20 minute drive to the office.

First thing I do when I reach my desk is…

Put the radio on! As I’m the first in the office, I do the ‘setting up’ for the day – turning on lights and printers, boiling the kettle, and getting ready for the rest of my team to arrive (Someone usually gets in about 20 minutes later so I’m not alone for long!)

My first stop in my working day is to clear my inbox and make a to-do list that I can hopefully stick to!

As I get in around 8 am this is also a great opportunity to call candidates who I can’t speak to during the day so I try to do my necessary calls before they start work. 

I’m responsible for…

 My own desk, but I support all disciplines of law, so it can be a bit manic at times. I recruit for anything from HR and Marketing roles through to Senior Associate level, so it’s vital that I keep all my plates spinning.

In the office, I’m very much in charge of social activities – presents for the team, arranging after-work drinks and any coffee mornings or charities events we have!  

My favourite part of my job is…

Telling a candidate they’ve got the job. When you’ve got to know someone and worked with them, there’s nothing better than being the one to give them the news they were hoping for. Because of our processes we really get to know our candidates, so you start to learn exactly what a new job will mean to them – more time with the kids, working in a field they’ve been trying to get into for years, supporting the community – whatever it might be, you can’t help but be thrilled when you help them achieve it.

My least favourite part of my job is…

Is having to tell someone they haven’t been successful, for the exact same reasons as above! You can’t help but build bonds with someone when you know that they’re moving roles to apply for a better mortgage with their partner or to re-locate to be closer to loved ones, so it’s so sad to tell them that the gateway to that dream is temporarily closed. But it certainly spurs you on to find them their perfect role!

I finish work at…

I officially finish at 4.30 pm when I leave the office, but I will chat with candidates in the evening and monitor emails from clients until I go to bed. My role is fast-paced, and we really want to support our clients, so if you have an opportunity to be on the ball, you take it!

And I will usually spend my evenings…

Doing stereotypical family things. I try to get to HIT training classes with my eldest daughter, I look after an elderly neighbour who is a young age of 98, catch up with my husband and try to keep on top of the washing and ironing so I don’t have to do it at the weekend!

My hopes for the future are…

To continue to be successful in our field. Our agency continues to grow and we’re lucky with our client loyalty, so I hope I can continue in helping candidates get their ideal job and our clients the right match.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment