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My day begins at...

Technically 7am, but I snooze until 7:15 before I force myself up and get myself and my daughter ready for the day. We all have breakfast together, (including my dog Jess), and I’ll grab my green tea and lemon to go before I do the school run. One of the many benefits of working locally and having flexibility at work means I get to see my daughter through the school gate every day.

First thing I do when I reach my desk is…

Say hi to my colleagues. Because we all work different hours, sometimes people are in before me or have been off the day before, so it’s lovely to have a quick catch up whilst the kettle’s boiling. And then my first port of call is responding to emails and returning calls.

I’m responsible for…

The property desk at LR Legal, which means I source specifically property candidates across all levels, and clients come directly to me if they have a related vacancy. I love working within a sector because it means I can keep abreast of all issues and legal updates, and I can help clients and candidates quickly and efficiently.

My favourite part of my job is…

When I hear from a candidate I placed to say they have received a promotion, or are still in love with their role even after a significant amount of time has passed. I pride myself making the right match, rather than just any match, so when I hit the nail on the head it’s so rewarding.

My least favourite part of my job is…

When I don’t click with a potential client. I’m always honest with the people I work with, so I’m willing to explain to clients why a set salary isn’t realistic, or their expectations are too high, and I always offer alternatives. It’s difficult when they choose to go with a different agency as a result, but it just means we weren’t the right fit for each other, and I would never want to mislead them as to what I can achieve for them.

I finish work at…

Various times thanks to my flexible hours. I do longer days on Monday and Friday and finish at 5, but on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I am out of the door at 3 pm to pick my daughter up from school.

And I will usually spend my evenings…

I’m very active so I make sure to fit my exercise in around my family and social life, and in between running and yoga, I also act as chauffeur to my daughter’s ballet classes. We sometimes spend evenings doing homework or playing family games, and usually, Fridays are reserved for catch-ups with friends.

My hopes for the future are…

Personally I have so many exercise-related goals such as cycle 100 miles and swim the serpentine, but from a professional aspect, I want to continue to develop my reputation in the sector as the go-to recruitment consultant for Property vacancies, for both clients and candidates. I want LR Legal to be synonymous with Property recruitment for all firms and candidates across London and the South East.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment