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The recent worldwide survey by Automation Anywhere has caused quite the buzz across social media, with lots of people sharing their most hated office tasks. As expected, plenty of admin related jobs came up, with a smattering of people related tasks and the odd niche issue that only a particular sector could relate to. I decided to put the question to our team, and whilst they would all shout from the rooftops about how much they love their jobs, they were VERY quick to decide the least favourite parts of their role.

"Manual CRM updates, definitely. I know I have to do it, and so I do, begrudgingly, but my brain has already moved on to who I feel would be perfect for a role, or how I can pitch to a potential candidate who is not actively looking but is a great match. Capturing the data from the conversation and translating it into our CRM just slows me down. I would LOVE an automated system that is smart enough to listen to my phone calls, dictate all the information and put the relevant data in the right boxes. That’s the dream future isn’t it? Come on job robots!"

"Writing job descriptions. Aah, my nemesis. It sounds ridiculous because it’s such a big part of my job, but my brain is not good at translating my passion for a role onto paper. I find myself using the same words or forgetting to add in the best parts of a job! Because I want to get people as excited about the role as I am, it does take me so much longer than everyone else on the team, and sometimes I do need to go back and triple and quadruple check to make sure I’m getting across what I need to. BUT I do take it as a personal achievement when a candidate comes back and says they love the sound of a particular job. Like, YES! I did it! Maybe I don’t hate writing them as much as I think I do? No, no I do."

"Leaving voicemails. That’s it, my most hated task. Pointless, time-consuming things that don’t get me an answer or reply quick enough!" 

"Paperwork -filing it, organising it, trying to find a lost bit - basically just anything to do with the paper that lives on my desk. I mean, I know it’s my own doing. Just look at Matt’s desk - it doesn’t look like anyone works there! But I love my system, it works for me and it means when I get to my desk first thing, my morning goes without a hitch because my paperwork is organised from the night before. But as 4.30pm creeps up, having to sort it all again for a good morning tomorrow... hate it!"

"Coordinating interviews is the bane of my life. Slightly dramatic perhaps, and I’m sure the main feelings of frustration stem from feeling like it’s the only part of the recruitment process I don’t add value to but it does irk me. I can’t see anyone’s diaries, I don’t know whether my candidate has client commitments for their current role, or if, by the time my candidate comes back to me, which interview slots have been filled or plans have changed. The worst interview booking process I ever managed was a week! Can you imagine, an entire week of back and forth, on emails, voicemails, phone calls and texts? It was painful. The only joy was my candidate was offered the role and is now a partner that I regularly have contact with for new recruits, which is a pleasant full circle. But oh, the nightmares I have about interview coordination." 

Whilst all jobs have their downsides (after all nothing is perfect!) if you are finding that all the tasks in your role are becoming unbearable, you can get in touch with our legal recruitment team here to talk about current opportunities available across London and the South East.

Natasha Wiggins
Tel: 0208 464 2503
Email: natasha@lrlegal.co.uk
Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment