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LR Legal - What we do for our clients


When it comes to recruiting the top talent for your business, it makes sense to work closely with a specialist recruiter. LR Legal will help to make the whole process smoother, more efficient and more streamlined, filtering out the very best employees who are ready to work- and providing you with a flawless service while we’re at it. But what exactly does it take to secure the top talent for your company? Read on to find out.

Searching and sourcing the top talent

Our first step is to find out as much about the specifications of the job, so that we can fine-tune the recruitment process for you, making sure we match you with the right person for the role.

It’s important for us to understand not only the nature of the role, but how the vacancy has arisen, and what the impact on the team has been with the role unfilled.

We’ll endeavour to discover:

  • What your team is like as a whole- what are the dynamics, and how does everyone interact on a daily basis?
  • What your company culture is like- what are the social aspects of your company, how will the new candidate fit into this?
  • What benefits can you offer new employees, and what progression opportunities are available?

With as much information as possible, we’re able to start the search for the ideal candidate to join your team. And to do that, we use a bespoke database of 26,000 legal professionals, along with various other strategies to secure the top legal talent, such as:

  • Active LinkedIn searches (using a collective following of circa. 25,000 legal professionals) so that we can keep abreast of a constantly evolving talent pool, and so that we can continuously headhunt for you.
  • Active referrals from existing candidates- invaluable because we can utilise incentives for referrals that directly meet your needs.
  • Sourcing from a third party bespoke database of 32,000 solicitors across the UK.

Our searches need to be thorough, and we need to make sure we’re taking into consideration all of your needs so the recruitment process can be as smooth as possible. Recruiting the right candidates can be a lengthy, drawn out process too- allowing us to take that on for you will mean you can keep your focus on the job in hand instead.

Hiring the wrong candidate can be costly, so being able to provide you with stats from our in-depth research and candidate information helps you to make the right decision when it counts.

Advertising and shortlisting

Just as the job specifications and active candidate searches are crucial to this process, the advertising of the role is a vital step that we need to get right. We use email marketing with targeted candidates throughout the year to keep in touch on a direct and personal level. This is hugely beneficial when it comes to active recruiting, avoiding the need to ‘cold call’ when we have a position that needs filling.

We’ll also advertise the role on all appropriate channels and we’ll work directly with candidates to discuss all aspects of the job before shortlisting. All candidates who meet the brief will be identified and contacted, and this is our chance to really get to know them, and further inform our decision making.

So just as we like to get as much information from you as possible when you’re looking for a new employee, we work hard to get as much information from potential candidates too, such as:

  • Where they’re currently working and why they’re looking to move jobs. Are there any specific issues that we can identify, that we can resolve for them?
  • How long have they been job seeking, and what has the impact of that job search been? Have they been shortlisted for other roles, and have there been issues with taking on those roles?
  • What do their remuneration expectations look like?
  • What is their ideal working week? Are they looking for flexible hours and working arrangements, and are they willing to commute?
  • What can they tell us about previous employment and past experiences working for other law firms?
  • What preferences, if any, do they have for working environment, size of the firm they’d like to work for, and location?

We also find it helpful to discuss potential candidates’ notice period, any pre-booked holidays, plus their thoughts on team dynamics and socials. We also conduct research from candidates and clients on salary expectations and carry out market mapping to pass on data to enhance future decisions on recruitment.

All of this helps us to build a picture of our candidates, which we can then match against the role we’re advertising for you. Alongside discussions with your decision makers/ HR department, we use this candidate analysis to inform all aspects of the role on offer. And having access to candidates who may not have been actively searching for work also puts you head of the game when it comes to finding the best person for the job.

The interview process

Helping our candidates prepare to apply for the position is integral to what we do, and once the application has been submitted, we then move on to the interview process. Throughout this, we remain in constant contact with both client and candidate, to ensure that each party is kept in the loop with what’s happening.

The interview process is important for you too, to make sure that the candidates we’ve shortlisted are right for your company. While this can be lengthy, our expertise helps to streamline this for you; we’ve used a bespoke database to tailor the candidates perfectly, and we’ve tapped into our resources to ensure that only the best make it through to this stage. We manage this process for you, so that you can remain focused on the day-to-day, trusting us to find the best person for the job.

The job offer

Following a successful initial interview, either via video call, phone call or face to face, we usually recommend a follow up interview in person. And, if you’re ready to make a job offer to the candidate, we get to work on helping you to compile the employment package.

This is done after feedback from you, and with feedback from the candidate too, keeping all channels of communication open and clear. The negotiation process is important; both parties need to feel satisfied with the end result, and we’re here to make sure that happens.

For more information on the specific recruitment process we can offer you, with bespoke and tailored advice and guidance, get in touch today.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment