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Should Lawyers Become Business People?


In an increasingly fierce legal arena, firms now strive to spur their lawyers towards heightened business consciousness, reveals new research. Over half of organisations surveyed plan to implement training in commercial awareness for lawyers this year. This appetite for enhancement shows that legal players recognise the mounting importance of financial fluency for both profitability and talent development.

 The Profit Motive 

Amid the current economic challenges in the legal sector, firms cite ambitions like reducing unpaid invoices and creating financially sustainable models as catalysts for upskilling lawyers commercially. With nearly 60% witnessing more write-offs lately, managing cashflow tops today's law leadership agenda.

Moves to invoice faster and tighten billing terms signal determination to run tighter ships. Yet stats also expose holes that are currently leaking rewards for all that legal legwork: over 60% withhold basic profit and billing data from their attorneys. Small wonder financial mechanics mystify many lawyers when firms don't transparently track outputs.

 Connecting Commercial Dots for Lawyers' Success

Besides boosting firms' stabilisation strategies, however, commercial comprehension fundamentally serves individual lawyers too. Appreciating the organisational economics, pressures and capabilities that underpin profit generation contextualises day-to-day decisions' downstream reverberations.

Promoting financial understanding forges attorneys fully informed on balancing clients' priorities against practice commerciality. It uplifts profit-leak plugging power by equipping advisors to steer cases based on informed cost-benefit analyses. Ultimately, it liberates lawyers to converse knowledgeably with clients regarding optimal value.

 Cultivating Commercial Instincts

So how precisely do lawyers develop sharper business wits? Knowledge obviously helps—learning firms' money mechanics, industry trends, plus market challenges and opportunities. But mindset matters more—viewing matters through a commercial lens focused on creating mutual value becomes second nature.

This means going beyond amassing facts to instead develop holistic financial thinking. Plunging into varied learning experiences like client events, or absorbing wisdom from financial publications, creates the key to commercial awareness for lawyers—the instinct to connect the contextual dots.

In summary, an industry struggling with margin pressures now believes boosting its legal professionals' financial fluency provides a valuable piece of the puzzle. While no one expects attorneys to become bean-counting bankers, they clearly see enormous advantage in lawyers who can balance legal excellence with commercial reality.

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Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment