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Asking the Right Questions for a Legal Role


You’ve perfected your suit, polished your shoes, and rehearsed your answers. But don’t let stellar interview preparation stop there – in a legal interview, having incisive questions ready is as important as how you answer.


Once your interview is in the home stretch, you have a prime opportunity to show genuine interest while gaining valuable intel. Yet candidates often squander this moment by neglecting to ask anything at all, perhaps assuming they've done enough to signal keen engagement.


In reality, failing to ask questions sends precisely the opposite message. It suggests a lack of preparation, research, or even curiosity – all elements that are vital to success in a legal role and therefore in a legal interview. So take charge of that final impression by having robust questions prepared.


Where to Start Crafting Questions


Checking the company website, executive LinkedIn profiles, and recent news coverage will provide you with perfect fodder for tailored questions. Use these to demonstrate the depth of your research.


Asking about featured projects, social initiatives referenced online, or developments in the field shows you’ve taken time to understand the firm’s scope and priorities beyond your immediate role. This attunement to the broader context and trajectory of the organisation will mark you out as an engaged candidate with

leadership potential and the capacity to add value.


Don’t Shy Away from Clarification


Equally important are questions to clarify the responsibilities, performance measures and objectives you can expect if you're hired. These demonstrate forward thinking – another crucial quality in any legal role – while allowing you to reinforce where your talents align with the job requirements.


Be careful not to seem presumptuous when seeking greater detail on remuneration, work arrangements, or advancement prospects. Working with a recruiter is helpful here, as they can handle necessary but potentially indelicate questions about salary thresholds or flexible working.


Winning Over the Interviewer


Asking your interviewer, "What do you like about working here?" often yields illuminating nuggets about workplace culture, camaraderie, and leadership values. People enjoy discussing their personal paths and passions, so questions like this can forge an authentic connection that leaves a lasting warm impression.


In summary, take the time to craft considerate, incisive questions that are tailored to each role you interview for.  Prepare several options in advance to avoid any tongue-tied awkwardness. Showcasing your knowledge of the organisation while clarifying how you align with the role will instantly set you apart from candidates who prepare answers but fail to prepare questions.


Working with a legal recruitment expert can help prepare you for interviews with background information on the firm, so you are able to craft the perfect questions during your interview. Work with LR Legal.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment