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Crafting the Perfect Legal CV


Your CV is often your first touchpoint with a potential employer, so it must make a lasting impression and effectively showcase your skills and experience. At LR Legal, we understand the importance of a polished CV in landing your dream job. Here are our top tips to help you create a standout CV.

Tips for Writing a CV

  • Keep it concise: Aim for about two pages.
  • Explain gaps: Briefly explain any career breaks.
  • Prioritise information: Put the most critical details first.
  • Tailor to the role: Customise your CV for each job application.
  • Highlight key skills: Focus on the skills employers seek.
  • Provide evidence: Back up your skills with examples.
  • Be honest: Accuracy is crucial; dishonesty can lead to dismissal.
  • Proofread: Carefully check for errors and ask someone else to review it too.

Formatting Your CV

To ensure your CV is easy to read:

Use clear section headings.

  • Select a professional font: No smaller than 10 points.
  • Maintain consistency: Use consistent fonts, sizes, and layout.
  • Utilise bullet points: To make information digestible.
  • Ensure proper spacing: For readability.

Layout and What to Include

Contact Details: Start with your name at the top, followed by your contact information, including your email address, postal address, and phone numbers. Save space by placing these on one line. Avoid including personal details like age, date of birth, marital status, or a photo.

Personal Statement: Include a brief summary of your background, skills, and the type of role you’re seeking at the start of your CV.

Work Experience: List your roles in reverse chronological order. For each role, include:

Job title Organisation name Dates of employment Main responsibilities Achievements

Highlight the most relevant skills and experiences for the job you're applying for.

Education and Qualifications: List your education and qualifications in reverse chronological order. Include:

Type of qualification Result (or expected result if still studying) Name of the institution Dates attended Brief summary of what you learned, such as areas of law studied

Include any professional memberships in this section. If you're early in your career, place the education section before work experience.

Skills: Consider a skills section covering:

IT skills, including software proficiencies Language skills relevant to the role Any other specialist skills

Alternatively, integrate your skills within the work experience and education sections.

Interests and Activities: You’re not required to include hobbies but consider their relevance. Include interests that demonstrate skills sought by the employer, such as:

Volunteering related to your career Activities showcasing teamwork Positions of responsibility Interests relevant to the job

References: No need to list references on your CV. Wait until the employer requests them, usually later in the hiring process. Always confirm with your referees before providing their contact details.

Final Thoughts

A well-crafted CV is your gateway to new opportunities. By following these tips, you can create a compelling CV that highlights your strengths and positions you as a top candidate. At LR Legal, we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you need help finding your next role or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Posted by: LR Legal Recruitment